Innovation. Efficiency. Quality. Safety.

Judy Reitz Capacity Command Center

Launched in 2016, 该中心提高了整个约翰霍普金斯医疗系统的推荐十大正规网赌平台吞吐量和临床护理效率, prioritizing quality, 安全和机构创新研究的三重使命, education and patient care.

See the Command Center in Action

Since 2016, 指挥中心采用了最新的系统工程技术, 预测分析和创新解决问题,以更好地管理患者.

Capacity Command Center logo

About the Capacity Command Center

Led by a small core team, 能力指挥中心由霍普金斯访问线(HAL)的专家组成。, HopComm/Lifeline and the bed management team.

Our Core Team


Each month, the HAL coordinators handle more than 20,000 phone calls, 将外部供应商与约翰·霍普金斯医学供应商联系起来,方便约700名患者转至约翰·霍普金斯医院.


HopComm 协调重症监护转运小组的运输请求,并处理约翰霍普金斯医院的紧急呼叫. 他们每年在我们的卫生系统中管理40,000名患者.

Bed Management

The bed management team assigns the right patient to the right bed at the right time. 这些经验丰富的护士每周7天,每天24小时都负责这项工作.


Bed Management in the Capacity Command Center

病床管理团队在正确的时间将正确的推荐十大正规网赌平台分配到正确的床上. The bed management team staffs this function 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 并且在需要的时候作为医院的管理者随叫随到.

Capacity Command Center Bed Management Team Members

Comprised primarily of experienced registered nurses, 病床管理团队是每天接近100个推荐十大正规网赌平台的入口, 通过所有通往医院急诊部的通道, the Department of Surgery, the Hopkins Access Line, and direct admissions.


床位管理人员每天还主持近12次会议,以确保他们掌握有关医院和整个卫生系统可用容量的最新信息. 他们还领导能力指挥中心的综合单位安全计划(CUSP).

Additionally, 能力指挥中心是霍普金斯分诊和整合医师角色(HTRIP)的所在地。. 这些重症监护医生不断评估医院接收需要进入重症监护病房的推荐十大正规网赌平台的能力. They help to eliminate barriers to care progression, 允许患者在入院和出院之间的每个护理阶段无缝移动.



James Scheulen, P.A., M.B.A.


James Scheulen headshot

Christina Staten, MS, RT(R)(CV)

Assistant Administrator, Office of Capacity Management

Christina Staten profile picture

Contact Us

Office of Capacity Management
Johns Hopkins Medicine
600 N Wolfe Street Nelson Building 127
Baltimore, MD 21287

联系项目协调员凯瑟琳·麦卡勒姆,询问有关该中心的问题 [email protected] or 410-502-8515.